Some garments can only be printed and some only embroidered. Each product listing will advise if one or both methods can be used.
NOTE: All sublimated garments require no additional printing.
All products come supplied with the FASTRAX logo applied.
For printing on to pre made garments we use crevor prints which are heat applied and can be added to both light or dark coloured garments. Whilst in most cases we produce these in a single colour it is possible to supply these with multiple colours at an additional cost. Setup is free of charge and the minimum print run is 10. Please note this minimum print run is just for the prints, if less than 10 garments are required we will hold on to any remaining prints for you to use up at a later date. We would recomend that prints are used within 2 years of being produced, after that date they will be destroyed with no refund.
Due to the high temperatures required to apply these prints we have included a note on each garment listing for it’s suitability to this method of garment decoration.
Single colour breast sized print (maximum size area of 9cm x 5cm): £2.08 + VAT (£2.50)
Single colour chest or back print (maximum size area of 22cm x 8cm): £3.50 + VAT (£4.20)
If you require additional colours in your print(s) please contact us to discuss prices. VAT is chargable on all prints regardless of VAT status of the item they are applied to.
For an alternative to heat applied prints or for those garments that will be damaged by high temperatures required for heat printing we can also have garments emroidered. Again this method can be applied to both light or dark coloured garments, but have no additional costs if they are more than one colour.
Breast sized logo (maximum size area of 9cm x 5cm, or 45cm2): £5.00 + VAT (£6.00)
Chest or back logo (maximum size area of 22cm x 8cm, or 176cm2): £6.25 + VAT (£7.50)
The set-up costs for the stitch file which contains an image will be £12.50 + VAT (£15.00) see note below…
If your logo only consists of readily available fonts (words only) there would be no stitch file costs to charge.
NOTE: Once the stitch file has been prepared it will be saved so this cost will not be required for furure orders. If your first order contains 10 or more items for the same embroidery the stitch file will be free of charge.
If you require any additional information please use the contact us page. VAT is chargable on all embroidery costs regardless of VAT status of the item they are applied to.